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for government procurement professionals.

Celebrate Earth Day and Arbor Day by making your purchasing process paperless!

Celebrate Earth Day and Arbor Day by making your purchasing process paperless!

Each Spring, holidays like Earth Day and Arbor Day roll around and have us thinking about how we can be more environmentally friendly. An obvious way to apply this environmentally conscious attitude to the workplace is to eliminate as much paper use as possible. BidNet Direct helps participating local government agencies like yours eliminate the paper previously required for their purchasing processes!

Less paper not only helps the environment, but also the budget

Depending on how your agency currently distributes bids, it may require the use of a significant amount of paper. Consider the number of pages required to print solicitation copies for vendors to pick up in person. Or the amount of paper used when printing multiple copies of bid responses for evaluating purposes. Imagine the total number of pieces of paper used for these processes, and multiply it by the number of solicitations your agency issues per year. The number can be sizeable. Why not take your purchasing process online and save paper in the process? By posting your solicitations online, you eliminate the need to print all of the copies required for solicitation distribution and response evaluation. The environmental impact of an online purchasing processes also saves money through saving the cost of paper and printing.

The BidNet Direct e-sourcing platform can help your agency go paperless and digital beyond the distribution of bids. For example, BidNet Direct’s Electronic Bid Submission feature allows your agency to further eliminate the need for paper, by accepting paperless bid submissions via the platform. Not only will this help your agency in its drive to go paperless, but you will be helping your vendors go paperless as well.

The Bid Evaluation Module aides in your attempt to achieve a completely paperless and environmentally friendly purchasing process as well. By evaluating your received bid submissions based on criteria your agency determines, you reduce the number or printed copies needed to disperse among evaluators. These types of features and services will bring your agency one step closer to achieving any environmental initiatives it may set.

Get more time and space by eliminating paper

BidNet Direct’s platform also allows your agency to comply with any regulations that you store bid documents and submissions for a set number of years. Rather than having endless file cabinets full of paper copy bid submissions for goods or services long since acquired or completed, BidNet Direct can maintain a repository of a bid documents in one central location. So not only does this help eliminate the paper trail required and save physical space within your office, but it helps your agency maintain a higher level of organization. The Electronic Bid Submission feature will also store all bid responses in the same repository, not only saving your agency paper from having to print and store these responses, but also saving time from having to scan any of them in to your current systems.

Taking your agency’s purchasing process paperless can benefit more than just the environment. Whether it’s your agencies primary goal, or whether it’s secondary to saving time, money, or space, the paperless purchasing process is a great way for your agency to decrease its paper footprint and celebrate Earth and Arbor Day year round!

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