* 3/27/2024 Update - Vendor Questions/Answers added to attachements*
The Illinois Army National Guard (ILARNG) Occupational Medical Surveillance Examination Program requires that all full-time federal employees that are occupationally exposed to hazards receive medical surveillance to maintain compliance with the Occupation Safety and Health Association Act of 1970 (OSHA) and other federal and state regulations. The Occupational Medical Surveillance Program is to provide job-related Medical Surveillance Examinations and Occupational Health Services to the ILARNG Full-Time Support (FTS) technicians who are or could potentially be exposed to health hazards in the work environment per DoD 6055.05M. The medical surveillance program will include periodic, baseline, incidental and termination exams based on the actual occupational hazard. The contractor shall provide all personnel, equipment, tools, materials, supervision, and quality control necessary, except as specified in Paragraph 3.0 as Government Furnished, to perform Medical Surveillance Exams to include heavy metals blood testing, urine testing’s, respirator clearance and pulmonary function tests. See attached Performance Work Statement for more details.