Specifications include, but are not limited to: Wellness checkups shall be conducted on a semi-annual basis and may be conducted in person or via a HIPAA-compliant virtual platform provided by the Provider. All Wellness Checkups shall be delivered in an ethical, lawful and professional manner and shall abide be all ethical standards and rules of professional conduct, including all laws, rules and best practices pertaining to patient privacy and client confidentiality. The Provider shall facilitate 30–40-minute, one-on-one wellness checkups with employees that: Discuss their current abilities to cope with job stressors Learn additional healthy ways to deal with stressors. Increase the employee’s awareness about risk factors, warning signs and implementing healthy coping strategies. Teach employees about mental and emotional well-being in an easily understandable manner. The Provider shall prioritize the confidentiality and privacy of all TPD employees. The Provider shall have robust policies and procedures in place to protect personal information and ensure that their participation in the program does not impact their employment status or employment evaluations. TPD employees shall have full confidence in the confidentiality and professionalism of the wellness program. The Provider shall supply a comprehensive wellness app to the City that will provide wellness information and analytics on wellness metrics to the TPD. The Provider shall provide quarterly wellness and resiliency training to the TPD.