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for government procurement professionals.

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Find out all about e-sourcing through demonstrations

Looking to see what is available to your agency to streamline your purchasing process with an e-sourcing solution?  Seeing the solutions with your own eyes is a great way to find out how they will help your government organization save time and money with its sourcing process.

2019 Purchasing Resolutions!

With the welcoming of 2019, it’s that inevitable time of year again – time for New Year’s Resolutions. Many people have different forms of resolutions (health, travel, career, etc.) in order to better themselves. But have you thought about what resolutions you could make for your organization’s purchasing department in 2019?

Looking Back at 2018!

With 2018 quickly coming to a close, BidNet Direct would like to take the time to recap what a great year it’s been. We are continuing to grow year after year, and are very excited to be able to bring the benefits of our continued expansion to our customers.

How can solicitation notifications help my agency?

A solicitation notification provides vendors with an alert for any new bid opportunities matching the NIGP codes they selected when registering on BidNet Direct. This allows agencies like yours to rest easy knowing that their solicitation was sent to qualified vendors who provide the products or services related to your request.

Is hosting a vendor event right for your agency?

Are you thinking about hosting a local “how to do business with the government” event for your vendors? While many local government organizations participate in NIGP or NPI events such as tradeshows, some also work directly with vendors to offer an in-person meeting to learn how to do business with their organization.

How to utilize a vendor letter

When your organization makes changes to their purchasing processes, it is important to inform your current and past vendors of these changes. For local government organizations that join BidNet Direct, we will send out a letter on your behalf to let vendors know that your solicitations can now be found within the platform at no cost to them.

October and November Bring 15 New Agencies

BidNet Direct continued our expansion of our regional purchasing groups in October and November, welcoming 15 new local government agencies. Spread across 7 different states, these government agencies will now host their solicitations on our easy to use e-sourcing solution.

Holiday Spending: Thanksgiving

Each November, Americans give thanks for family and friends and celebrate Thanksgiving. Many offices across the country also share a meal and give thanks for great co-workers and doing a job that they enjoy. Luckily most government procurement offices are not open on the holiday, allowing you to spend time with family and friends and enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday.

Joining a sourcing platform made easy

When deciding to join an e-sourcing platform, the on-boarding process offered by the host is very important. BidNet Direct provides local government organizations with an easy to use e-sourcing solution.

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